LOUD Security’s Sue Durham named as National Salesperson of the Year by Resideo Dealer Network

Author: frenik

Sue Durham, a 10 year sales veteran with LOUD Security in Kennesaw, was nationally recognized as Sales Person of the Year at the Resideo Connect Security Dealer Conference in Orlando in December.

Resideo, formerly Honeywell’s residential security division, has recognized the very best in the security industry for over 30 years. The conference is attended by hundreds of security dealers, partners and customers throughout the nation.

Nominations for the national sales award were received from security dealers throughout the U.S. and Canada. Consideration was given to those salespeople who have exceeded expectations and had measurable results on the following criteria:

• Total volume/New accounts sold

• AlarmNet/Resideo Total Connect attach rate

• Total RMR (Recurring Monthly Revenue)

Sue produced nearly a quarter of a million dollars in sales revenue with over 340 new sales agreements.

The former school teacher and cancer survivor is a true achiever with a positive attitude. Sue attributes her success to determination and LOUD’s team of dedicated employees. “Winning the award has been a very humbling experience. There are so many hard-working people behind the scenes who helped to make it happen.” Sue said.

LOUD Security President, John Loud, praised Sue’s efforts. “It’s an honor for LOUD to have Sue as part of our team. We are very proud for her to be recognized as one of the nation’s best!” said Loud. “Sue came to LOUD in 2012 has consistently provided exemplary sales numbers and leadership for the team.”

LOUD Security Systems is an Atlanta area security company founded in 1995 that provides sale, installation, service and monitoring of electronic security systems such as intrusion and fire alarm, access control, video surveillance, and related low-voltage systems to residential and non-residential customers.

For more information on Resideo’s 2021 national winners, visit


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