LOUD Security Supports Local YWCA

Author: frenik

LOUD Security joined forces with the YWCA of NW Georgia last weekend, April 14th, when 10 employees got together for the YWCA’s annual Y-Not-Run 5k Road Race.  John Loud, Owner of LOUD Security, had challenged all employees of LOUD Security to come and run with him and promised that anyone who beat him in the race would be put in a drawing for a paid day off. – Unfortunately nobody beat John, but everyone had a great time.

All of the proceeds of the race will benefit the YWCA of Northwest Georgia and The Rotary Club of Marietta Family and Children’s Charities.

LOUD Security Systems is a proud sponsor of the local YWCA.  To find out more about the race or how you can get involved as a sponsor, please visit the race website at http://www.ynotrun.org/index.html

Who is LOUD?

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