LOUD Security named top 25 business.

Author: frenik

Loud Security has been named one of Cobb County’s top 25 businesses of the year.

The Cobb County Chamber publishes the prestigious list of top companies annually.  While many companies are considered, only a select few are chosen to be named to the top 25 list.  For the 4th time, LOUD Security Systems, located in Cobb County and the city of Kennesaw, has been granted the honor of being named one of Cobb County’s Top 25 businesses of the year.

We are thrilled to have again been named as one of the area’s top 25 companies.  Our recent growth to a staff of over 50, as well as the increase in new business and growth in our current markets, has made LOUD Security one of the most trusted companies, not only in Cobb County, but the greater Atlanta Area.

Our entire team is proud to see what the hard work and dedication of their employees and customers has created.

Who is LOUD?

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